Wire bending

2D and 3D CNC wire bending

Wire bending for your requirements

We offer advanced wire processing services, including 2D and 3D CNC wire bending and wire bending on press brakes and eccentric presses with flattening.

With the use of state-of-the-art technology and experienced staff, we guarantee high quality services and full customer satisfaction.

CNC bending is a process in which a numerically controlled machine tool processes wire according to precisely programmed parameters. With this process, it is possible to achieve complex wire shapes that are not achievable with traditional bending methods. Our company has advanced CNC machines that allow us to carry out even the most complex projects and ensure repeatability of bending.

Wire bending is the process of bending wire in a specific form and dimensions. The bending process is preceded by straightening of the wire using a straightening machine, which is integrated with the bending machine to ensure full automation of the production process. In other words, a straightened, bent workpiece of the right size and shape is created from the wire in the ball.

For this service, we offer a wide range of different shapes, from simple to more complex. In our company, we use high-quality tools and machines that allow us to complete each order with precision.

2D and 3D CNC wire bending

In our company, wire bending is also carried out using press brakes (commonly known as press brakes) with a press force of up to 130 t, which are commonly used in the process of plastic processing (bending) not only of black steel, stainless steel or aluminum, but also of other materials such as wire. Bending on a press brake is based on plastic processing using the pressure of an appropriate tool (punch) on the material placed inside the die. In this way, wire or sheet metal can be bent at any angle, making it possible to achieve both simple and very complex shapes.

The press brakes we have are also equipped with a CNC system, that is, numerical control with the help of a computer. Equipping the press brake with a CNC system significantly speeds up the process of bending wire or sheet metal, and also ensures maximum accuracy and repeatability of bending, which is important especially in large-scale production.

What’s more, the machine’s numerical control replaces the need to manually calibrate the machine, thus eliminating the risk of a worker making a mistake when setting up the machine.

Eccentric presses can also be used to bend wire. Our machine park is equipped with eccentric presses with a press force of 12 to 63 t, which, in addition to bending, are also ideal for stamping, perforating, cutting, or punching.

We provide our customers with professional service and advice on wire processing. Thanks to our extensive experience and commitment to each order, we have already won the trust of many customers from various industries.

High quality bending

Bending of various shapes

Speed and repeatability of bending

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