The shelf, due to its high strength, is designed for displaying heavier items. The increased load carrying capacity is due to the way the shelf is made and the materials used, in the form of flat bars and wires with larger diameters. Thanks to the welding of a tin gutter on the front side of the shelf, it is possible to mount a wire stop to prevent goods from falling out, as well as a price bar that allows you to place price labels or information about promotions.
The process of manufacturing the shelf begins with welding wires of the appropriate diameter using automatic welding machines. In order to guarantee the safety and aesthetics of the product, the protruding ends of the wires are cut off using semi-automatic wire cutters. During the trimming process, product quality control is carried out. With the sheet metal properly laser-burned and bent on a press brake for the locking gutters, then welded to the shelf using welding robots, the shelf is assembled by placing it on brackets previously installed in the rack legs.
The final stage of production is the application of a suitable coating to the shelf, the selection of which should depend on the purpose of the rack. Thanks to the application of a double coating, ie. zinc primer, followed by a final paint in a color chosen by the customer from the RAL palette, the shelf is resistant to corrosion and rusting, making it possible to locate the entire rack outside the building.